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Our Summer 2024 CSA Shares are SOLD OUT!


What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture or CSA Programs are a way to get fresh local seasonal produce directly from the farmers who grow it.  Members pre-pay for the season in advance, which allows farmers to have the funding needed to purchase their seeds and supplies at the beginning of the year and ensures that the produce grown has a home during the entire harvest season.  If you want to eat more fruits and veggies, try out new recipes/ingredients, spend less time in the grocery store, or be a part of a local food community, joining a CSA is a great way to get started!

What's Included?

Members will receive 5-10 family sized produce items during each pick up and receive a weekly CSA e-newsletter with updates on what's fresh out of the field and seasonal recipes inspired by the week's harvest. The frequency of a member's pick ups is determined by what size share they purchase.
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Full Share

6/11 - 10/11

18 pick ups, weekly


Half Share

6/11 - 10/11

9 pick ups, every other week


How do pick ups work?

Members have 2 options for pick ups:

Market-Style, Tuesdays 2pm - 4pm
Prepared produce will be set out at the designated pick up area by the new North Barn food storage room.  Members will be able to bag their own produce as you would if you were going to the grocery store or farmer's market.  Produce bins will be labeled either "fixed" or "choice."  All members will get the same fixed items, while members who select the market-style pick up will be able to choose which of the items they prefer among the "choice" selection.  (For example, there may be several kinds of leafy greens available in a given week and market-style members may be able to select between salad mix like lettuce and kale or cooking greens like collards and Swiss chard.)

Pre-bagged, Wednesdays - Fridays 9am - 7pm
Members will be able to pick up their pre-bagged and labeled shares from the walk-in cooler in the new North Barn food storage room during EquiCenter's busine
ss hours.  Members who select the pre-bagged option will receive the same quantity of produce in their shares, but all items will be assigned.

Where do I sign up?

Reserve your spot by filling out the CSA Form.  Once submitted, an invoice for the cost of your CSA membership(s) will be sent to your email.  Your membership(s) will be confirmed when you have paid your invoice.


Check out our CSA Frequently Asked Questions sheet for more details.  If you need additional assistance, please contact our Farm Manager Sarah at or call/text the farm phone at 585.404.1079.
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