Watch Nolan's journey at EquiCenter! Nolan was born with a genetic disorder, and his biggest hurdle when he first arrived was his language delay. Soon after starting lessons, he became very verbal and became easy to talk to, especially about his favorite horse PC. Nolan's parents and his "Papa" Doug Emblidge describe his achievements.
"I heard about the EquiCenter many years before I was a grandfather, and never thought for a second that perhaps someday I would have a grandson benefiting from the programs... But when he came here, I was really thinking, I'm not sure he's going to be able to do that- and it was immediate... And very quickly after that, he got very verbal. And it was really easy to talk to him because you could just ask him about what happened that week at EquiCenter."
"I think the overwhelming thing I have is gratitude, that there were people who wanted to help and found this very unique way to do it. To find a way to help veterans and kids with special needs through therapeutic horseback riding."
"The one thing that was really telling about what EquiCenter has done for Nolan is the fact that his speech therapist, his physical therapist, and his occupational therapist have all said independently of each other how much better he was doing since he started coming to the EquiCenter."
- Doug Emblidge, Nolan's Grandfather

"Therapeutic Riding helps people with speech and language delays by working on all the systems that help the body to progress in language development. Working with Nolan on developing his neck and head control, his core strength, his gross and fine motor skills, all of those things work to help him have more language."
-Sara, PATH Certified Instructor at EquiCenter

"I just want to say thank you to everyone here at the EquiCenter, and everyone what makes this opportunity possible. It really has made an effect on our family in a positive way, and Nolan. And I just want to say thank you."
- Josh, Nolan's Father
" They don't look at Nolan as just a little kid that they are helping through a need or challenge. They look at him as a 3-year-old boy and just want him to have a good time. Nolan can come and be having a bad day, and it is totally turned around once we come here. And we are really appreciative of everything, all the growth we have seen with Nolan, and it's possible because of everything the EquiCenter is. We are really thankful."
- Erin, Nolan's Mother